Bharat Flag

Bharat Flag
Janam Bhumi aur Karam Bhumi

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Work Tension

Since yesterday have been working on one technical problem on the project. Spend hours yesterday to resolve it. But no luck yesterday. Ultimately slept very late at night. In the morning got up..and tried something..its worked !!!. How happy I am..

When I was in middle of problem yesterday, I was not attentive to anything else. My cell phone rang..did not hear friends called me ..did not even hear them. Today after resolving the problem..I am contented.

For java guys..The problem was that thru a web service ( i exposed)I was doing jndi lookup for ejb3 stateless session beans. I was getting famous NameNotFoundException. I tried all combinations (e.g. hard coding naming context etc)..did not work. 

I just restarted the server in the morning and it worked. Strange are the ways of ...!!!

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