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Janam Bhumi aur Karam Bhumi
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I had an idea about tackling Mumbai attacks. Give one AK47 to Amar Singh (who has raised questions about the reality of Batala encounter where a Delhi Inspector lost his life to terrorists bullets) and throw him inside Taj hotel. Let him see for himself the that it is indeed for real..
Friday, November 28, 2008
International reaction to Mumbai attacks
Saw one of the headlines in about Mumbai terrorist attacks. It reads something like this '
Attacks on Mumbai creates a challenge for Obama about bringing India and Pak together'. See the irony ? If you cant..then consider after 9/11 we Indians never suggested or thought about bringing Taliban and US together. Another irony, in these moments of crisis that country (and many other countries) is thinking about their self-interests.Nothing wrong with that, just that I wish Congress govt. thinks about 1/10th of like this.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Mumbai Terror Attack
Yesterday (26-Nov-2008) night terrorists struck at Financial capital of India, Mumbai. They attacked 3 five star hotels and very busy and crowded railway station. So far more than 100 people have been killed. Intelligence agencies traced calls made from their satellite phones to Karachi, Pakistan. These bloody islamic terrorists don't want peace at all in this world. Their pakistani sponsors are the devils who spread the venom of terrorism not only in India but around the world.
We, Indians, have to remember that we are all alone in this fight against terrorism. No country is our friend in this struggle of ours. Whatever needs to be done have to be done by us. Whether its changing the govt. by democratic means or carry on with our lives. We only have to defeat this disease. Already Australia and UK cricket teams have cancelled their visits to India for Champions trophy, and that's exactly what terrorists wanted and they achieved it.
I have been reading blogs by foreigners when we successfully launched Chandrayaan to moon, signed a nuclear deal with US and NSG etc. Most of the foreigners see only casteism, women exploitation, dowry problem as and when anyone mentions India. Their thought and perspective is very limited and narrow. They are not able to yet comprehend the new India. I am sure right now also many of the westerners would be writing about same things on net in response to the
terrorist attacks. While we cant and in fact don't want to bother about them, but it makes us realize that we are absolutely alone. Let there be not a single iota of doubt about that. Power is worshipped and weakness and vulnerability is looked down upon in this world. So we have to be powerful ..economically..militarally in addition to culturally which we already are.
A country is strong because its people are strong and hence the govt they choose is strong. A non-governing, weak. short sighted, vote-bank concerning government who is indifferent towards the safety of its citizens is a disaster for our country. Unfortunately,we have such govt in power in India right now.
We have to be very strong towards terrorism. A strong law like POTA will encourage Police and intelligence.Terror will strike us again (As has been happening since beginning of the year in Jaipur, Bangalore, Delhi,Gowhati etc etc) if we remain weak and lazy in our response towards terrorism this time too.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wrong Hero
Nehru has harmed India much more than we know. Most of the problems we face today are the outcome of his or his daughters policies.
During chinese war our soldiers died on borders because this mentally bankrupt PM of India would not spend money on buying ammunition for our soldiers who were then protecting our borders. Because of him we lost that war. It left a permanent scar on Indian psyche.
This short sighted man was responsible for taking the Kashmir issue to UN. He was responsible for not petitioning for permanent UN seat in 1947. Experts believe that UN would have easily granted permanent seat to India then.
His daughter caused more blunders in India. She adopted economic policies which made India one of the poorest countries in the world.
Alas, we think them as good leaders..less we say about Nehru and his daughter's characters better it is. Ever heard about Mountbatten's wife and Nehru caught in a Shimla hotel? and about Chandraswamy?
This family is a curse on India.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Last week, my tenant informed me that he wishes to vacate my 2BHK Plus study apartment at Whitefield near ITPL. I needed to find a new tenant. So, I put Ad. of my apartment on many net sites. I find these below sites most visited by people and more effective
- Sulekha classifieds
- Craiglist
- India Propertry...
And I got a new tenant already within 5 days ;-)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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