Yesterday (26-Nov-2008) night terrorists struck at Financial capital of India, Mumbai. They attacked 3 five star hotels and very busy and crowded railway station. So far more than 100 people have been killed. Intelligence agencies traced calls made from their satellite phones to Karachi, Pakistan. These bloody islamic terrorists don't want peace at all in this world. Their pakistani sponsors are the devils who spread the venom of terrorism not only in India but around the world.
We, Indians, have to remember that we are all alone in this fight against terrorism. No country is our friend in this struggle of ours. Whatever needs to be done have to be done by us. Whether its changing the govt. by democratic means or carry on with our lives. We only have to defeat this disease. Already Australia and UK cricket teams have cancelled their visits to India for Champions trophy, and that's exactly what terrorists wanted and they achieved it.
I have been reading blogs by foreigners when we successfully launched Chandrayaan to moon, signed a nuclear deal with US and NSG etc. Most of the foreigners see only casteism, women exploitation, dowry problem as and when anyone mentions India. Their thought and perspective is very limited and narrow. They are not able to yet comprehend the new India. I am sure right now also many of the westerners would be writing about same things on net in response to the
terrorist attacks. While we cant and in fact don't want to bother about them, but it makes us realize that we are absolutely alone. Let there be not a single iota of doubt about that. Power is worshipped and weakness and vulnerability is looked down upon in this world. So we have to be powerful ..economically..militarally in addition to culturally which we already are.
A country is strong because its people are strong and hence the govt they choose is strong. A non-governing, weak. short sighted, vote-bank concerning government who is indifferent towards the safety of its citizens is a disaster for our country. Unfortunately,we have such govt in power in India right now.
We have to be very strong towards terrorism. A strong law like POTA will encourage Police and intelligence.Terror will strike us again (As has been happening since beginning of the year in Jaipur, Bangalore, Delhi,Gowhati etc etc) if we remain weak and lazy in our response towards terrorism this time too.